

Haybah: A Forgotten Facet of Manhood Part II

Click here for previous article in this series. The paradox of Haybah Haybah is inherently paradoxical. You can see this in one of Ali (ra)’s description of the Prophet ﷺ. He said, مَنْ رَآهُ بَدِيهَةً...

Haybah: A Forgotten Facet of Manhood

Ask any Muslim to describe the characteristics which are present in a true Muslim man and you’ll get a laundry list of traits. Courage, piety, chivalry, generosity, etc. There’s one characteristic, however, tha...

Activism and the Paradox of Abu Talib

Activism. Imagine a man who’s done more for the spread of Islam than any Muslim activist alive today. A man who didn't just help Muslims but helped the Muslim. A man who protected the Prophet ﷺ with his wealth ...

Islam and a Culture of Victimhood

Donald Trump’s election to president of the US has galvanized social media. Most importantly, it has brought to the forefront a certain mentality that has been insidiously finding a home in the collective Musli...

Cultivating a Personal Library

Every man should have a personal library. Your own personal collection of books you’ve read over the years. Books that have shaped you, books that you refer back to, books that you have an emotional connection ...