Practical Skills

Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi on How to Attend Lectures

Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi is considered one of the most brilliant minds from the Islamic tradition. A prolific writer, he authored over 400 books on topics ranging in diversity from grammar to fiqh to ethics to phys...

10 Chrome Extensions for the Muslim Man

Evernote Web Clipper Every come across a new hadith you really like and then months later can’t find it again? Or read a great article and want to reference it weeks later and can’t remember where you re...

How to Jump Start a Car

When I was in college, I used to park my car at the masjid and walk to class. Once, I had finished praying salah and was getting in my car to drive home when a brother knocked on my door and asked if I had jump...

Asking for Recommendation Letters

I’m in the process of applying for residency right now and a huge part of the application process is recommendation letters. My least favorite part. Out of all the parts of the application, this is the one th...

How to Leave a Voicemail

At some point in your professional life, you're going to have to leave a voicemail. Actually, you're going to have to leave tons and tons of voicemails. It's a simple enough thing to do but a lot of people mess...

Skills for the Muslim Man: Reading the Sky to Find the Qibla

{ وَعَلامَاتٍ وَبِٱلنَّجْمِ هُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ } "And landmarks. And by the stars they are guided." You’re on a road trip and it’s time to pray Maghrib and ‘Isha. You pull into a rest area and make wudu. How ...

How to give a Manly Muslim Handshake

I had a non-Muslim friend in college who visited the masjid one day to see a khutbah and jumu’ah salah. After salah was over, I walked out with him and talked a bit as everyone filtered out of the musallah. As ...