Haybah: A Forgotten Facet of Manhood

Ask any Muslim to describe the characteristics which are present in a true Muslim man and you’ll get a laundry list of traits. Courage, piety, chivalry, generosity, etc. There’s one characteristic, however, tha...

Imam al-Layth’s letter to Imam Mālik

For the context of this letter, please refer to this post. --- In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Form al-Layth b. Sa`d to Mālik b. Anas. I salute you with peace and praise Allah besides wh...

Imam Mālik’s letter to Imam al-Layth

Of the most famous intellectual rivalries in Islamic history is the rivalry of Imam Mālik ibn Anas and Imam al-Layth ibn Sa'd. Both were tremendous legal scholars, both founded a madhab, and both were intellect...