The Prophet ﷺ’s dua at Taif

After a decade of preaching in Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ had lost his uncle and his wife and was still rejected by tribesmen. In an attempt to find a more receptive audience, the Prophet ﷺ traveled to Taif, hoping ...

Islam and a Culture of Victimhood

Donald Trump’s election to president of the US has galvanized social media. Most importantly, it has brought to the forefront a certain mentality that has been insidiously finding a home in the collective Musli...

How to Explain Shari’ah

This is a modified version of a post I wrote about two years ago on the subreddit “AskReddit”. It’s based on a presentation I gave at my local masjid about Shari’ah. At the time that I gave this presentation, a...